Mission, Vision and Values

​​​​ ​St Peter Claver College is a welcoming and inclusive community founded on the values highlighted in our College motto – Concern, Love and Justice.

We believe acceptance of everyone and their individual differences is fundamental to developing good relationships and an inclusive community.



St Peter Claver College is a Catholic community which embraces all students in the Gospel values of Concern, Love and Justice. It is a place where all students are known. We take inspiration from Jesus' teachings, the work of St Peter Claver and St Marcellin Champagnat. Our community fosters a holistic learning environment which celebrates the uniqueness of each individual, strives for excellence and lives the values Concern, Love and Justice.


To inspire young people to a life of faith, learning and leadership for justice, in the spirit of St Peter Claver and St Marcellin Champagnat.


College Motto

Concern, Love and Justice.

Marist Characteristics

  • Presence.
  • Simplicity.
  • Family Spirit.
  • In the Way of Mary.
  • Love of Work.​​

Respect, Reconciliation and Recognition

The College has a strong connection with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and acknowledges that St Peter Claver College is built on the traditional lands of the Ugarapul people, Yuggera Nation.

We integrate the wisdom and knowledge of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Priority is given to ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are able to see themselves, their identities and culture reflected in the curriculum. Whole school practices and protocols reflect cultural awareness including reconciliation, respect, recognition and understanding.

Mparntwe​ Education Declaration

The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration (signed by all State and Federal Education Ministers in 2019) builds on the Melbourne Declaration seeking to address the current needs of young Australians. Our vision is for a world class education system that encourages and supports every student to be the very best they can be, no matter where they live or what kind of learning challenges they may face.

The philosophy of education at St Peter Claver supports the two distinct but interconnected goals of this declaration:
  • Goal 1: The Australian education system promotes excellence and equity.
  • Goal 2: All young Australians become:
    • ​Confident and creative individuals.
    • Successful lifelong learners.
    • ​Active and informed members of the community.​