St Peter Claver College is passionate about supporting our Defence Force families and proudly participates in the Defence School Mentor Program (DSMP).
Our Defence School Mentor (DSM) understands the issues Defence students and their families face and uses skills, knowledge and experience to help them feel welcome and identify support needs during their time at Claver and as they depart on new adventures.
The Defence School Mentor is an employee of the College, with funding provided annually by the Department of Defence to facilitate the best possible educational outcome for children of Defence members.
How does the Defence School Mentor support families?
Welcome new students and introduce them to the College community.
Meet up regularly, initiating non-curriculum focused chats and showing interest to discover unique strengths and challenges.
Use personal experience to show an understanding of frequent moves, periods of separation and isolation from extended family.
Monitor social and emotional wellbeing and personal issues.
Establish a relationship and continue as an ongoing point of contact between home and school.
Liaise with teachers and staff to ensure they are informed about the Defence students under their care and guidance.
Share resources, support networks and local events available to ADF families.
Help young people establish a sense of belonging; both in friendships and peer groups, and in ensuring that contributions to the College are recognised.
For more information about the Defence School Mentor Program, please click here for the current brochure.