St Peter Claver College has a Visual Arts Block, consisting of three Art studios as well as specialist, storage and outdoor areas. The facility has long windows on one external wall revealing an exciting gallery where student work is exhibited. Visual Art is a dynamic component of Claver Creative where links are made across the curriculum but particularly across the Arts.
In Years 7 and 8, all students get to sample painting, drawing, sculpting and mixed media artworks for a semester.
In Year 9, students have an opportunity to use their creative intelligence to make original and exploratory works of art using painting and ceramics for a semester.
Year 10 students study the unit, Art as Impact, exploring two and three-dimensional media. In the second component, students develop media and sculptural skills to create a hybrid sculpture.
In Years 11 and 12, students select from the QCAA Authority subject Visual Art or the Authority-Registered subject Visual Arts in Practice.
Visual Art students contribute to numerous Art exhibitions at College events and participate in local and State wide competitions.